Seven refineries processing Moscow’s crude in India, Turkey and Bulgaria continued exporting refined fuels to the EU.

  • queermunist she/
    4 months ago

    So basically, all the financial warfare against Russia has failed.

    Seems more like Europe is mostly hurting itself instead.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      4 months ago

      Seems like the main goal was to just convince the public that Europe is no longer dependent on Russia for energy. In that sense they succeeded, since a lot of Europeans now believe this.

      4 months ago

      Except it clearly hasn't. Why are you manipulating public discussion in favor of a dictatorship?

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        Uh huh. Hey I'm a factory owner and I'm looking for some fresh steel, do you know a good place in the UK where I can find some?

        ...oh, I see. Well hey, at least the basic functions of a society haven't been impacted. At least everyone can afford housing and heating over the winter, right? At least there's not like, widespread hunger, right? After all, if things like that happened somewhere evil like Russia, that's the kind of thing we would use to declare them a failed state in need of responsible guidance.

      • queermunist she/
        4 months ago

        Asserting so does not make it so. The Eurozone is in recession and growth is flat, meanwhile Russia is still growing. Russia is coming out ahead of this sanctions/trade war with Europe.

        That said? The US is the real winner here. It gets to hurt Russia and Europe and the same time and make them think it was their idea! Meanwhile, people just assume anyone who doesn't say Russia is going to collapse any day now is working for Putin. 🤡

          4 months ago

          Russia is still growing

          You mean like how the Soviet Ruble was worth hundreds of dollars, yet the USSR had to pay for western goods with old battleships? Oh, the irony - "Asserting so does not make it so."

      • @420stalin69
        4 months ago

        How are you defining success?

        I’d call Russia growing at around 3.5% and booking record revenues a pretty bad outcome, from the perspective of people who think these sanctions are doing anything much at all.

          • @420stalin69
            4 months ago

            You’re saying you think the figures are false?

            Have you looked into them at all or is it just more comfortable to assume that?