I feel like this edition of the story is kinda hackneyed. Like, who named her? Otto Von Bismarck is a cool name, but who as ever heard of someone named Von Der Leyen?! Big 'copy my homework but make sure it looks different' hours over here. Them just changing the story to take place in Europe instead of in one country that's part of Europe doesn't save it.
I feel like this edition of the story is kinda hackneyed. Like, who named her? Otto Von Bismarck is a cool name, but who as ever heard of someone named Von Der Leyen?! Big 'copy my homework but make sure it looks different' hours over here. Them just changing the story to take place in Europe instead of in one country that's part of Europe doesn't save it.
Fun fact: Otto or similar exist(ed) independently in German, Etruscan and Punic languages, so in fact quite some people think it's cool.
similar story with the name 'Dara'