• coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Marcus Aurelius indicates, for example, you should not trouble yourself with ending homelessness, but you can and should spend your time trying to end homelessness in your community. Or at least on your block, etc.

    how'd that go marcus

    for real there's something so ghoulish about aurelius, sitting in your opulence posting about how um actually slavery is wrong while you are emperor of fucking rome

    literally roman obama

    • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      To be fair to Aurelius, which we really needn't be, it would have been impossible for him to abolish slavery. He would have been killed and replaced almost immediately. He did do some stuff to lessen the burden of indentured servitude for Roman citizens though.

      He's Roman Obama, but a) never actually spoke about these things in public, and b) absolutely and completely understood where his bread was buttered (with legionary and aristocratic support, which means having to support slavery).

      The way he was really Roman Obama was how he treated the Senate, making them feel important even though he made all of the decisions.

      • coeliacmccarthy [he/him]
        4 months ago

        He did do some stuff to lessen the burden of indentured servitude for Roman citizens though.

        don't let the perfectus be the enemy of the bonus, this is the most important emperor of our lives