• sgtlion [any]
    3 years ago

    Nonsense, and the Turing test is simple enough for real-life practical purposes. Anything that appears to be consciousness, may as well be 'real' consciousness.

    I personally find the Chinese room is just a bizarre objection that saying an intermediate step somehow makes something impossible. There is zero difference between doing something and simulating doing it if all the inputs and outputs are the same.

      • sgtlion [any]
        3 years ago

        I feel like I agree with all of this and obviously current AI is relatively hollow. But that's the point, it's not successfully simulating a human mind and conversing, it's just replicating bits of speech in legible ways.

        The point of the focus on language is that it betrays an entire complex of the mind - If we can converse meaningfully about novel topics, then we can almost guaranteedly talk about an how an animal behaves, and replicate it, and come up with a physicality for doing so, etc. This is the fundamental hurdle and there's nothing magic about the human brain that allows, or anything magic about the digital form that disallows it.