Removed from /c/worldnews as 'misinfo' despite coming from a credible source that is clear about the evidence backing up its reporting. Posting here instead.

EDIT: Beware the comments in this thread, which are attempting every possible derail. Here's what you are in for if you read the comments:

❌Reading the article

❌ Understanding the specific claims in the article

✅ Misrepresenting the article

✅ Falsely claiming there's no evidence in the article

✅ Moving the goalposts after realizing there actually is evidence in the article

✅ Derailing with unrelated topics

✅ Not engaging with the evidence but saying "no one cares"

✅ Attacking NYT's reputation by reference to unrelated articles

✅ Dogpiling with downvotes without responding to comments making legitimate points

✅ Mods inconsistently applying their own rules to remove comments they disagree with

This thread really has it all! If you also want to help derail, please be creative and add something different than the things listed above. I will be awarding originality points.

    4 months ago

    Yes and no. That story was bad for a reasons specific to that story that were uncovered and sourced from other credible reporting. You can't proceed from that to a blanket generalization over everything else in New York times reports without any additional supporting evidence.

    Also it's sourcing and quoting other sources, so you'd have to explain if you believe that the New York times made up those sources.

    • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      The campaign, the experts and officials say, appears to involve remnants of the media empire once controlled by Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, a former associate of President Vladimir V. Putin whose troll factory, the Internet Research Agency, interfered in the 2016 presidential election between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

      Why are they "experts"? Experts are a nonsense term. There is no actual evidence presented in the article

        • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
          4 months ago

          In other ways, the websites are poorly constructed, even incomplete in parts. The “about” page for the Miami Chronicle, for example, is filled with Lorem ipsum, the Latin-based dummy text.

          This could also imply laziness.

          Russian IP addresses dont mean shit either, IPs are easy to spoof.

          I see no mention of Dougan in the article itself.

          Some of images on the site have file names from the original Russian

          This is the most 'convincing' one but not very solid evidence either.

          Regardless, what matters the most is that no one cares about this stupid site. If its propaganda, its the laziest type of it.

          The purpose is not to fool a discerning reader into diving deeper into the website, let alone subscribing, Mr. Linvill said. The goal instead is to lend an aura of credibility to posts on social media spreading the disinformation.


            • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
              4 months ago


              fr tho? because says the SSL cert is cloudflare and thus not idable.


              even looking at history, they had it on google cloud, namecheap and other western providers

              most of the article headlines are indistinguishable from right wing rags:

              Sen. Katie Britt Slams President Biden’s ‘Despicable’ Border Crisis Handling in State of the Union Rebuttal

              I think most of the articles are copied from right wing sites and churned through chatgpt or something

                4 months ago

                You've been wrong literally every step of the way about everything you've said and you still want to do this?

                The data referenced in the report was recorded from 2021. Your link requires a login so I can't see what it says, but if I was as much of a wreckless 💩 poster as you, I would just say securitytrails is fake and just making everything up and say "nobody cares".

            4 months ago

            You started out by saying was no evidence, except there was. Now you've moved the goalposts and are debating the nuances of the evidence instead of saying that none was presented.

            You derailed with whataboutism, you made a blanket generalization based on an unrelated story. Are you just going down the playbook, one derailment tactic at a time?

            Five posts from now you will be saying "well yeah, maybe they proved the IP was from Russia, but the guy from Russia generated a fake site with 17 fake authors because he cared so much about journalistic integrity!"

            • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
              4 months ago

              ok, whatever debatebro

              fuck it, ill add this:

              none of the so called propaganda made by Russia is very convincing. Who is it for? Republicans? They will vote Trump regardless. Democrats? They won't like for anti-establishment shit.

              Is it to convince 'independents' to vote Trump? I think Democrats are doing that much better than Russia ever could.

              what im saying is, if it is propaganda it is super mid. what should west do? censorship? go ahead. block those domains.

              edit 2: i cant even find the site on google btw, so clearly there is some censorship from the private sector.

                4 months ago

                Okay, the next step in the playbook is "no one cares". I don't know, I think online disinformation has emerged as one of the major international issues characteristic of our time and will go down in the history books. So I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that no one cares.

                I'm sorry that calling you out on your 💩 means I'm a debate bro. But the flip side of the same coin is that you're the one spewing the 💩💩💩.

                • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
                  4 months ago

                  maybe US should solve domestic disinformation before going international, plenty of right wing (and liberal) newspapers reporting complete propaganda. also, maybe implement a GFW if you are that concerned about Russian disinfo.

                • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
                  4 months ago

                  If you were worried about disinformation you wouldn't be reading the new york times.

                  May I have a poop emoji please?