I don't like gravel. That's it.

  • noisy
  • scatters all over the neighborhood.
  • hard to walk on
  • dogs and cats crap in it
  • kids chuck it around and put it in their mouth.
  • doesn't even look good.
  • difficult and heavy to remove once you have come to terms will all of the above.

Gravel advocates... explain your case for gravelling your garden/drive.

Gravel sceptics, feel free to share your distaste.

  • solarvector@lemmy.zip
    10 months ago
    • It can be cheaply re-graded
    • Helps control erosion while allowing water penetration
    • Isn't mud
    • Less dusty than dirt when dry
    • Doesn't have oil and tar runoff
    • Better traction in snow and ice
    • Is the basis for concrete and asphalt