I'm not sure if this has been posted already, but this Firefox addon is the mutt's nuts.

Here is a list of the front ends that LibRedirect uses:
YouTube => Invidious, Piped, Piped-Material, FreeTube, Yattee
Twitter => Nitter
Instagram => Bibliogram
TikTok => ProxiTok
Reddit => Libreddit, Teddit
Imgur => Rimgo
Wikipedia => Wikiless
YouTube Music => Beatbump
Medium => Scribe
Quora => Quetre
Reuters => Neuters
Peertube => SimpleerTube
LBRY/Odysee => Librarian
IMDb => libremdb
Search => SearXNG, SearX, Whoogle
Translate => SimplyTranslate, LingvaTranslate
Maps => OpenStreetMap
Send Files => Send

You can also fine tune these redirects by turning on and off which services you want to redirect or even which servers of each service you want to redirect to.

I'm still playing with it and the project is kept up to date. Right now, I'm loving it.