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Cool Kids Have Class Consciousness

    7 months ago

    You'd probably get more people on side if you didn't use a logo that everyone associates with mass-murder and oppression. This is like having "cool kids have the right to freedom" slapped on a big USA flag, or "cool kids bring civilisation to the needy" on a sigil of the Roman Empire.

      7 months ago


      The only people associating the hammer and sickle with negativity are the propagandized populations of imperial core countries lol, and their opinions don't really matter for global emancipation

        7 months ago

        Basically all people living in countries that were part of USSR do. We hate russia and hammer and siclke and other communist symbols like a red star for a good reason.

          7 months ago

          It's weird how some people will rightly accept that the masses in America are being oppressed but refuse to accept that anyone was oppressed under the Soviet Union. I can only assume it's because they live in the USA and only see one thing happening and can't possibly accept that two global superpowers could both be doing bad things rather than a nice simple goodies vs baddies.

        7 months ago

        Sure they are comrade, I'm sure the millions that starved or were executed under Stalin don't really matter either. Or was that all propaganda and everyone actually had a lovely time?

          7 months ago

          executed under Stalin don’t really matter

          Agreed. I don't think nazis matter either.

          millions that starved

          What?? :0 I thought the USSR eradicated death entirely. You're telling me people starved during the biggest war in recent history? In the region that had the most backwards feudal system under the tsars and had barely finished a civil war?