The death of college sports as we know it

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think congress has the legal authority to do something about this, since college football playing on Saturdays in the USA is part of some law or antitrust agreement, like how the NFL can't play regular season games on Fridays or Sundays. The Friday night thing is infuriating to me, they'd rather people not watch football on Friday nights to get more fans into fucking high school football.

    Not that they would actually do it, but I could see a law passed or hearings held to throw a bone to fans instead of passing meaningful legislation, to force all these teams into conferences so the teams could travel via bus instead of private planes. These conferences used to be based on proximity to each other, now they're based on TV markets so Big 10 Network can demand more money or the conference can demand more from the other networks for TV deals.

    Also lol at UCLA doing this, a state school in superlib California, doesn't give a shit about their fans. Usc is private I believe, but ucla has some form of public oversight by a board, which I now realize is probably made up of ghouls.