So, after counting up my dwinding bank account due to a series of unexpected expenditures, I have barely enough to get by on rent and utilities and so on. I also need to shore up just a few hundo (maybe $200 and change) in the next 30 days or less. Just for food and general existence. Work will probably not grant me enough overtime to get that and I can't really put it off until next month's payday anyhow, so I'm thinking about the dreaded Second Job option. I have the pathfinding skills of an army officer so delivery gig work is out. Beyond looking for more fixed labor such as part-time work at shops on weekends/evenings I'm kind of out of ideas (and I'd be in much the same boat as simply working overtime at my current job and with less hassle).

Any ideas appreciated

  • BerserkPoster [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I'm gonna echo what another poster said and recommend the dogwalking thing especially if you're near a bougie nneighborhood. These people are so lazy they pay people 20 dollars to walk their dogs for 30 minutes. Sometimes the people would just be hanging out at home and she would walk in and walk their dogs. also she met some people who she would walk for, get their number, and they would pay her directly instead of through the middleman app. If you set it up correctly you could make like 60-100 a day easily by doing this

    Also would recommend buying a bag of small treats for this, makes doing the job much easier as you can basically bribe the dog if they're being stubborn

    She used wag, I think rover is a new app too. Over 30 days it should be pretty easy to put together 200 dollars