Be me: Erin, Human Fighter Zaquar, Catfolk Swashbuckler

Be not me: Lilly, Ratfolk Druid; Elshe, Kobold Psion; Doot, Lizardfolk Shifter; DM

Resuming the game mid battle it's Elshe's turn!

Elshe fires a bolt of cold and tries to take cover... there's not much cover to be found but she's trying.

Lilly casts Stabilize on Erin, saving him from bleedout.

Erin... is still KO'd

Doot moves up to the railing and waits for a sensible boarding opportunity.

Enemy sailor's turn! It hails arrows from the enemy ship at ours!

The crew of our ship have finished reeling in the caught ship and actually get turns! They take shots with their own bows- BOOM and swivel guns!

Elshe buffs herself with Inertial Armor

Lilly holds action to intercept boarders.

Doot grabs a boarding plank and drives it into place.

The enemy sailors continue their bow barrage.

Our crew return fire with arrows and shot.

A few of our guys begin to board the ship!

Elshe peeks up from over their cover and fires another beam taking them down.

Lilly's turn, Fang charges across the boarding plank to score a kill!

Doot is dumped into the drink by an enemy action and stunned...

Our pirates continue to engage the enemy.

The few remaining sailors surrender.

Lilly heals Erin... he's still unconscious.

Lilly wakes him up once he's to positive HP.

"Don't do that again, please." Lilly says to Erin.

"Yeah, don't think I will be. Going to do something safer." Erin.

Doot is yoinked onto the ship by unexplained means.

Swap to Zaqaur

Zaqaur tries to kick down the door to the opposing ship's captains quarters. He then tries to simply pick the lock... and still fails.

Doot makes his way over and tries to open the door... One solid kick and the door flies off it's hinges.

"Why thank you, matey." Zaqaur comments with the door kicked in then heads inside.

Zaqaur goes to step inside... and immediately flops onto the deck, asleep. Runic traps.

...checking the specifics of the trap it hits Doot too and they save!

Doot gives Zaquar a few good kicks waking them up.

"Yarr! Rar... thank you. Damn magic traps." Zaquar.

"You there, Kobold! You're magic." he continues.

Doot points to Lilly, "She's magic too."

"Alright then, are there more traps?" Zaquar asks

"I don't have Detect Magic prepared." Lilly replies.

Elshe carefully makes her way across hearing the back-and-forth 'bout needing magic.

Elshe scans with Detect Magic and finds there's magic below deck but nothing on this deck.

"Go mark it out, I'll be assesin' what's in the cabin." Zaquar states.

Elshe makes her way to the stairs down, "Lilly, is Fang done eating?"

"He's done." she replies, and Elshe asks for him as a bodyguard on the lower decks

Zaquar finds a logbook searching the captain's quarters... it says they're storing dangerous magic items.

He hands the book to Doot, "Go keep the new Kobold from blowing themself up."

Meanwhile Elshe has found the general location of the magic items and is beginning to read their auras...

Elshe is carefully marking out what's what and writing an inventory without disturbing anything as Doot arrives to explain the danger.

With the logbook in hand and the partial inventory with their own paper Elshe is making good progress assessing what's what and asks Doot to relay this is going on to the captain of our ship.

Lilly manages to find the keys when asking Zaquar if he's found them... she takes them back to the hold for Elshe to pop some chests.

Opening the first chest they find an Orb, emanating an aura of Illusion!

They grab the Orb and get a second Will Save... it's slimy.

Elshe sits down to identify the orb... it's an orb of annoying illusions. It makes everything you do near it just a little more unpleasant.

Moving onto the next chest they unlock it and carefully peer into the chest... there's a wand!

"Yarr, there not be explosions yet... ye be alive?" Zaquar asks coming down the stairs.

Elshe confirms and explains which chests are dangerous.

The wand has a single charge... of True Resurrection! Too bad the Captain probably won't let us keep this.

There's one last non-dangerous aura... more illusion. Elshe opens the chest and it's a wineglass.

Intrigued she picks it up and it fills with wine... their favorite wine, even if they don't know what that is.

They identify it as being an illusion of wine, always providing the taste of the holders preferred kind of wine.

Elshe and Lilly sip some wine... Elshe not explaining it's an illusion.

"Not too much, any sailor still drunk by sunrise is dunked in the ocean." Zaquar warns.

Elshe asks Zaquar to make sure nobody fucks with the dangerous chests as she takes the wand and warning of the dangerous chests to the Captain.

The captain is having tea with the opposing captain in her quarters.

The Captain is pleased to have the wand delivered and word of the other items.

With that the day-to-day work of living on a ship resumes.

With that we call the session.

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