By giving the President the power to ban websites, not just apps, it opens up a whole new can of worms.

Instead of targeting foreign adversaries directly, the law holds US (or offshore) internet hosting services and app stores responsible for any breaches in security or privacy.

This is a Trojan horse that could lead to censorship and control over what people access online.



    4 months ago

    Could this actually be a big deal for AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure? This might cause an economic crash accompanied by hundreds of thousands more layoffs if they decided to enforce it against US big tech companies.

      4 months ago

      They will not use this against their masters. They will use this to serve them. Shut down competition and control the narrative to serve capitalism.

        4 months ago

        Real lol it would get shot down the moment it actually threatened any of their daddy donors' profits, or they just wouldn't even propose it

        This is the only reason I think they might not pass it, but if they twist it just enough to serve their masters like y'all said....

    • Vampire [any]
      4 months ago

      lol this will not "cause an economic crash" come on

      4 months ago

      That's kind of what I was thinking too like, great TikTok is the scapegoat and China bad blah blah but what about the rest of the internet 💀

      Like others said I think they'll find some kind of loophole or way to apply it only to their "adversary" industries and twist it to be able to serve their own donors. If it even gets passed

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        4 months ago

        This kind of stuff will absolutely be applied selectively. The whole point of a law like this is to let you shut down sites that are inconvenient.