Permanently Deleted

    4 months ago

    "Paranoid", "Pointless", "Basement", "Obsessive", "Hackers", "nerds".

    It is still a very very very very marginal and marginalyzed topic unless your social cyrcle is a very specific one.

    In my experience the positive and/or effective ones are "GDPR", "Snowden", "Surveillance", "Freedom"...

      4 months ago

      Why all the down votes? Did I miss something? It is a correct statement. In most circles people have no idea what you are talking about, and then only a few finally get it when you start mentioning Snowden, Privacy or Surveillance.

          4 months ago

          Oh, OK, I didn't see that, but maybhagr something to do with English not being my native language. Also, the fact that we're paranoid, and we are, does not mean we're not being followed. And pointless?, I find it much more pointless to pay for software to spy on you, and then get hooked on a subscription that was supposed to have every feature included when you "bought" the software.