I watched the video archive. They said my letter was great, and that they learned a new word, "Aporophobia". They also agreed that much of the town's backlash comments were tantamount to "Aporophobia" and that they have some serious "reeducating" they have to do with these citizens.

The town is pretty woke, but it felt good to hear these people fully agree with my take on low-income housing. Right before they read my letter, they had an email from some oldhead in town complaining about how the poor are all criminals. What is it about Chuds that compels them to show up at every meeting and be the dumbest, loudest person in the room?

  • BioWarfarePosadist [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    Because CHUDs have nothing else on their lives. Their adult kids hate them, and basically only come around for holidays. They aren't allowed at the Golf Course, due to an incident involving a golf Cart, a Caddy and seval thousand dollars in landscaping damage.

    They have nothing to do except sit around and watch TV, flipping between one of twenty different copaghandha shows or Fox News.

    The only place they can still be a nuisance, and not get kicked out for being so, is at public meetings.