I saw a NYT article today that just felt the need to link to this image of the DPRK as a means of pointing out the failings of socialist states (in a totally unrelated article, not surprising). I know that they're not providing the context both current and historical for why there is this disparity between the two Koreas, but I lack the knowledge or resources to effectively combat this blatant propaganda.



I know this photo has been around for a while, and I figured there might already be some myth-busting written somewhere I'm not aware of.

The obvious implication from this photo is:

socialism-is-when speech-side-l-1 "Socialism is when No Electricity". speech-side-l-2

  • edge [he/him]
    4 months ago

    She explained how the images are created, but she provided no evidence (or explicit claim) that North Korea specifically was altered.