Putting on my DOW 30,000 hat for the fifth time this decade and explaining why you don't know anything about the economy.
The only economy I remember recovering from 2008 quickly was iceland where they actually put their bankers in jail afterwards. 22/23 will be same nobody is getting out of this without shit on them
this is false, we only put a negligible number of bankers in jail, like 2-3 IIRC, the state actually took over the banks and is now in the process of selling one of them because of neoliberalism.
We survived the crash due to currency devaluation which boosted tourism and generous IMF loans.
Well, ok what are they going to dump money into this time other than a black hole
I'd be happy if there's a system out there that can dodge it twice but I'm not feeling too optimistic about it
Even in the asian financial crisis, they send Soro the vampire packing
instant transmission but only for military equipment that weighs tons
Tank were real, but for preparing to deploy in event of Pelosi visiting Taipei. Not to protect rural bank, lmao
Military drill in an area spanning from southeast of Rongcheng in Shandong province down to waters near Lianyungang in Jiangsu, which is also the same length as the western coastline of Taiwan facing the mainland. Shangdong is also a part of Northern Theather command.