This is a pretty comprehensive lawsuit. I'm really left wondering what the other side of this looks like? Are we talking about breaking up apple in to multiple device companies (cell phone/tablet, laptop/desktop, smartwatch/tracking token)? Are we talking about breaking apple up into multiple services as well? (icloud, facetime, imessage)? How exactly are we going to break down the walls of the guardian to allow for a more competitive ecosystem within the mobile space?

Link to the actual complaint:
Archive Link:

  • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Of course, this is not the story Apple presents to the world. For decades, Apple branded itself a nimble, innovative upstart. In 1998, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs criticized Microsoft's monopoly. [...] But even at that time, Apple did not face the same types of restrictions it imposes on third parties today; Apple users could use their iPod with a Windows computer, and Microsoft did not charge Apple a 30 percent fee for each song downloaded from Apple's iTunes store.

    Thats a good point from the complaint. Imagine if Microsoft got 30% of everything done on a PC.