• DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Update: apparently it only included a hostage deal for Israeli hostages. The many Palestinian kept by Israel were not part of the deal.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    As I understand it, if this proposal was approved the alternative proposal for an unconditional ceasefire wouldn't be able to pass. China and Russia favor an immediate ceasefire rather than one that is conditional on hostages being released. Also it's unclear what is meant by "hostages" but that probably just means the ones in Gaza, as opposed to the thousands in Israel prisons under administrative detention.

    • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      That might be it. It would make sense for Hamas if they wouldn't release all the hostages at once and that would mean a breach of the ceasefire, allowing Israel to invade anyway.

      As sad as it is for the Palestinians but we have to remember that what's best for US interest is not the best for everyone else. It was suspicious for them to all of a sudden come up with a proposal and for them to instantly have the support of the EU as well.

    • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      I heard that it was not written as a ceasefire but instead as an acknowledgement of the need for a ceasefire. Still need to find the proposal myself and read it for hours.

      • 🏳️‍⚧️Edward [it/its]@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        Currently only the webcast is available: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1c/k1c3pl70dg

        Meeting records, voting records, and draft resolution to come: https://research.un.org/en/docs/sc/quick/meetings/2024

  • freagle@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    What the fuck is going on? It felt like as soon as the pieces were in place for hydrocarbon extraction the US started talking about ceasefire, then Europe fell in line the next day, then this UN resolution, and now we have the Axis of Resistance vetoing the ceasefire? Does anyone have an analysis?

    • DankZedong @lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      First reports are that Russia and China (and Algeria and Guyana) are having issues with the proposal of the US. They say it would be an excuse for Israel to go into Rafah and continue their operations.

      Now, I don't know how exactly they got that from the proposal. But Netanyahu's immediate reaction was that they will go into Rafah regardless of US support. So maybe they are onto something.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      From DD Geopolitics:

      "A hypocritical spectacle by Washington, that does not pressure Israel." – Russian envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, on why they vetoed the US's ceasefire resolution.

      Nebenzya claimed the resolution was "increasingly politicized" and contained a "green light" for an "Israeli operation into Rafah".

      Nowhere in the US's resolution text was the word 'ceasefire' even mentioned. To which Nebenzya accused Washington of "deliberately misleading the international community".

      Nebenzya accused anyone voting in favor of "covering themselves in disgrace".

      From Aaron Maté:

      The US resolution was more cynical than I realized: not just pretending to call for a ceasefire in order to prolong Israel's genocide, but asking the UN to co-sign the fake "sexual violence" fabrication that helps Israel justify the genocide.

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Algerian representative's word on it: [old link] (he saved me the effort of translating, he's speaking in english) FUCK there's arabic dub in it after a few seconds

    I think this one is in english https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBo7AKm9Iuk (yeah there's no dub)