For me it has to be the Berlin live episode and in top spot the live DnD episode, which I literally had to turn off after about 15 mins because it was too embarrassing. I can't imagine what being in the audience must have been like, lmao

(Obviously the true leftist answer is all of them)

  • CrimsonDynamo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I just don't get it. It amounts to "have you heard of this stupid lib movie/capeshit/whitewash of history play? It's so awful! Well, we watched it, and here are all of the details".

    I don't give a rats ass about wonder woman. I don't want to hear about it. I don't even want to hear about why it's bad. I don't want to know trivial details about why a movie is bad. I don't want to waste bandwidth on it.

    I have a 40 minute commute. There are three podcasts I like. They all seem to hit on the same day, so if there's a bad episode, I have jack shit to listen to for most of the week.

    Sports?!? Fucking SPORTS was the subject of the last Chapo episode? You mean the thing that's fucking everywhere? It's on my soda can. It's on every billboard. It's every commercial. It's all people talk about in public. Fuck!