• Deadend [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Next is the grocery store agony

    The prices will be dynamic, the wages stagnant.

    • SSJ2Marx
      3 months ago

      "Just wait a couple hours. Just adjust your circadian rhythm so that you're not hungry during peak hours. Just do your grocery shopping in between 10:23 and 11:02, it's so easy."

      • Future annoying bootstraps influencers
    • supafuzz [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      dynamic per-item, per-customer pricing based on doing machine learning security camera analysis to see how much you've probably got as you walk in.

      if you look too poor to belong in the store at all, the prices go way higher.

    • JustSo [she/her, any]
      3 months ago

      The prices will be dynamic, the wages stagnant.

      Indeed, just remember it's not about treats, it's about ethics in economics. Don't let them smear us on this. Everybody needs treats they're a basic human right.

      • Deadend [he/him]
        3 months ago

        I can’t tell if you are joking about treats/having nice things at times. The anti-treat posts on here make me want to block people.

        • JustSo [she/her, any]
          3 months ago

          The anti-treat posts on here make me want to block people. Rightly so.

          The joke I was attempting to construct was that the economic system we live under isn't just broken, but so broken that even the token benefits (like treats, to keep us just comfortable enough to revolt) are becoming as systemically broken as the things they're supposed to distract us from.

          Complicating my awkward joke was butchering it into the format of a gamergate-eque statement (ie, it's not games it's <everything isn't my version of perfect about ethics in journalism>.

          I know it's been 5 days since I wrote that throw-away joke and I was absurdly wired and tired when I wrote it. On reflection though, I think I like the joke still unlke most of the cringe I post. To sort of reduce it to blatant absurdity, it'd be something like:

          Don't get distracted about surge pricing for restaurants, it's about people starving to death because they don't have money.

          Apologies for the pedantry. I might be evolving into the cringiest version of myself. :/

          • Deadend [he/him]
            3 months ago

            It’s okay.

            We all deserve treats, but what makes treats treats is that no one should have too many.

            You can be cringe, as a gamer treat to yourself.

            • JustSo [she/her, any]
              3 months ago

              I've been treating myself to some sincere posting. It's a bold new flavour for me.