Pooper = Paldean Form Whooper
Whooper’s new regional form is a poison type. It is literally a pooper.
:theory-gary: and as foretold in prophecy, pooper was made for @NephewAlphaBravo
For obvious reasons, this news speaks to me on a deep personal level
@Dirt_Owl and @Shitbird thought you would both appreciate.
Potentially also @thelastaxolotl (is whooper an axolotl or a different newt thing?)
Whooper is definitely based on axolotls, but Quagsire is just a big lizard thing
Hopefully Pooper evolves into a new thing that keeps the little bone-gills
Oh dang, I pulled a dumbass and mixed up Quagsire with Swampert which is just a big lizard thing
Mudkip's based on mudskippers, which I guess would make Swampert some kind of alternate timeline where lungfish turned into sort of big fish-bear things instead of dinosaurs.
Quagsire is just a big lizard thing
Hopefully Pooper evolves into a new thing that keeps the little bone-gills
I hope it evolves into something like that one poop digimon