Maybe that's the plan?

  • GreatAlbatross@feddit.ukM
    3 months ago

    They've definitely fired up the number-crunch-omatic-4000 to calculate the dates that disenfranchise fewer conservatives compared to others best suit the voting public.

    3 months ago

    Unable to vote? Are they ineligible for postal votes?

    Maybe I should read the article 🤣.


    They also say that an October election – potentially just two or three weeks after freshers’ week in many university towns – would not leave local councils enough time to put many thousands of new student addresses on the electoral register.

    Oh ok that makes more sense. In that case register before you go to uni and do a postal vote. It just depends how much you care about voting Vs being young and care free. I know I wouldn't have bothered (and didn't) until after university anyways.

    3 months ago

    One of the reasons BoJo called for an election on the 19th December for sure. Lots of students are at home rather than at university and it can be a real pain in the arse to move that stuff around at short notice.