They see an opportunity to push for a return of Jewish settlements to the Palestinian territory.

Archived version:

    6 months ago

    "Gaza Arabs will not stay in the Gaza Strip," she says. "Who will stay? Jews."

    She claims that Palestinians want to leave Gaza and that other countries should take them in - although in a lengthy interview, she rarely uses the word "Palestinian".

    These genocidal racists can't even say Palestinian when talking about them.

  • Reality
    6 months ago

    At the heart of it are people who think they are better than other people. It has and will always be class warfare. Racism, sexism, everything is just masking the underlying class warefare. As long as society supports different "classes" of people, it will always be class warfare.

    But hey, because of the exploitation by the so-called "upper class," the Earth won't be able to support life soon.

    Fuck the falsely privileged undeserved wealthy.