Basically what the title says, I don't want to host my own server but I would like to move away from Google. I'm fine paying a monthly fee for a service that will respect my privacy. Any recs are appreciated!

  • ancom20 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Some paid services that looked good for email privacy when I looked before (at least with regards to ads/profiting from user-data) were Countermail, myKolab (firm that supports open-source mail software development Kolab), StartMail, Tutanota, ProtonMail. Note that any email operator can access your messages, that's why it's important to encrypt them with GPG. Mail-headers may also not be anonymous, and could disclose IP addresses. See if your provider supports STARTTLS. An alternative to GPG for email encryption (but more centralized) is S/MIME. The founder of Lavabit started an email-like service called DarkMail. If you're sending/receiving unencrypted emails to GMail users, however, GMail obviously gets a copy of the message and your email address.