I've always found the Uncharted 4/The Last Of Us/God of War 2018 to all be decent, but all those games are kinda lacking in imteresting gameplay and are basically the video game equivalents of "Oscar bait"
I've always found the Uncharted 4/The Last Of Us/God of War 2018 to all be decent, but all those games are kinda lacking in imteresting gameplay and are basically the video game equivalents of "Oscar bait"
I guess the main complaint I'm trying to convey is after you get to "clowning them", that's kinda it as apposed to other games that can give that feeling and allow you to go further.
Acquired taste, I didn't grow up with either and it wasn't until I was in my early 20's where I even understood the appeal. It hit me when I was playing DJ Max Portable 3 on a work break, and I would "go through" rhythm games by like, clearing every song once and then just moving on. I got stuck on a version of this song for like, days and I kept trying to get through it, and once it "clicked" it felt magic. It wasn't like I just beat an arbitrarily hard boss, not only did it feel great to get the flow of that song down, but other songs were easier to clear "for some reason" after. It's what showed me the reward of "getting gud" beyond just coping with the mechanics of an individual fight in a souls game, for example. My view of the entire medium changed over the course of a lunch break, I'll never forget it.
But that's a lot to ask for and takes time that not a ton of people have. I don't think everyone has to enjoy games like that. I think that Dark Souls is a 1/5 game for a ton of reasons, but that "get gud" mentality is one of the reasons I despise it the most. It's the fucking demiurge of video game accomplishments. There's a world beyond what those games offer and associating the process of growth, personal development, and the social relationships required to progress both with "have you considered not getting strafed by the dragon on the bridge lel" is putrid.
Ah okay, that makes sense. And I'd agree, that the 'getting good' process is pretty overemphasized by people, but I also haven't had any other 3D game that gives the same vibe. The only games that give me that same 'in the zone, conquering the timing' feel are 2D games.
I guess I don't really get the same 'feel' from rhythm games (probably partially because I'm very picky about music). And funnily enough, I enjoyed shmups when I was young, but I find them very repetitive today, probably just because I don't have the time or focus for them these days.