Is just such a shock from being in China. Just got harassed and essentially threatened for being a socialist. They searched my bags and commented on my China flag and my little red books and my copy of Blackshirts and Reds. Fucking police state. The security in China is strict, but they don’t give a fuck about your thoughts, whereas this guy was very aggressive about “consequences” for being a socialist.

    3 months ago

    American survielance really is a paper tiger, they dont have the time or resources to actually monitor 90% of the shit they want you to think they can.

    • SSJ2Marx
      3 months ago

      Almost all of the data they collect ends up on a server in Utah, which is very convenient if you become a "person of interest" and they want to build a file on you, but if you're still a face in the crowd they basically don't know anything.