I decided to try making pickles with lime juice instead of vinegar because hey maybe it'd be good, right? Well, they're not really pickles yet, but I'm starting to think that this might have been a mistake. The cut edges of the pickles are turning noticeably brown and they haven't even cooled yet so uhhhh. Yeah. Either lime juice no good, or a 1:1 ratio of juice to water to make the brine is not good. Either way, I'm assuming these will not be great pickles, I tell you hwut :Bwaaa:
I will keep y'all posted with my scientific endeavors
I love making pickles. Also, have you ever tried not using vinegar at all, and just letting the pickles ferment in a salt and water brine? It's a little trickier maybe but those are the best pickles tbh. It's a similar process to making your own Sauerkraut (which is really easy, one of the simplest fermentations around. Highly recommend homemade kraut!)
I've thought about it but like, letting bacteria do their thing?? idk, just rubs me the wrong way, and it's not a quick process and I want pickles within a couple days got dang it
It's about a week if I recall correctly? It's been a while since I did it.
And yeah
I totally get you but it's safe and its also the process that brings us beer, wine, pickles, cheese, yogurt, and a whole lot of other food stuffs.