• relay@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    The English language is awful at essentially a person to be wrong rather than misunderstand a certain fact. Furthermore the concept of the word wrong has two meanings. One is immorality in general and the other is falsehood in particular. Whenever someone says to someone else "you are wrong", it oversimplifies a conversation in the most anti-intellectual framework possible.

    • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
      3 months ago

      Unsuprisingly I was 'wrong' because einstein is Jewish, and an academic, and as such jewish academia is suspect and so is socialism.

      Real logical shit right there, its fucking sad and funny.

      • relay@lemmygrad.ml
        3 months ago

        So is he one of those cranks that doesn't believe in "jewish physics" of relativity or quantum physics. Does he also cling onto the idea of luminous ether and odyllic force? Its fun for writing fantasy fiction but actually believing its true is another matter.

        • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
          3 months ago

          He accepted the line that his entire education was built on false premises because 'the jews' are in control of academia; Socialism is a jewish psyop because Marx is jewish etc.

          Its just sad, he was an autistic guy so I gave him a lot of leeway and tried to reason with him, but you cant save someone from this shit. He was 100% a failson of a upper class family though, his peer group all the type of radlibs that barely conceal they are white nationalists; we met at a bar while studying, he seemed fine up till then.