The deposit I needed to pay is due by noon tomorrow. I have yet to receive a single cent (not counting the 50 I got from.the old post before the approval, thanks anonymous citizen). It's also come to my attention that these posts may be FALSELY viewed as illegitimate. If you want to see verification, pm me. I'll send you anything I can to prove my identity. Now I know yall are out there. And I'm only posting again because of severe lack of progress and the approaching deadline. Don't like all these posts? Give me some fucking money so I don't have to come back for more when shit hits the fan!

Saying this again: my PayPal is, and I've updated my old gofundme too:

please use them. and yes,I am mad. I can't fucking go back to sleeping in a tent and asking this site for money just to eat.

Update: still not enough yet, but DAMN this helps. Seems like the based bitches finally showed up. Thanks yall, we still have some time