A common incel argument I've seen pop up lately is how men are "scammed out of their money" in divorce.

Misogyny never changes, does it? "WoMans ToOk mUh MonEys" has to be the oldest one in the book.

Genius patriarchal society planning there, make it more difficult for women to support themselves by not allowing them into the workforce or even vote for thousands of years and then cry about it when woman might actually need that money that you probably owe her anyway for all that fucking thankless labour she does around the house.

And let's be real, chances are in 2022 she works a job for her own money anyway so that's her assets and money as well that you're splitting.

How dare women want their own money that they're entitled to! The gall!

Please, men of Hexbear. Restore my faith in the dude gender because this shit gets me down in the dumps :yea:

  • Multihedra [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Me and my gf put all our money together the day we moved in together. That was about 15 years ago and while we have separate accounts/no joint account, we don’t really have “his” and “her” money: when someone is “the one” paying for something it just means they get it done, not that we’re keeping a tally or even that it comes from a certain account.

    Couples who kept a ledger, divvied up who pays for what and “settle scores” have always been completely alien to us. Maybe we were just too young and stoned to do things any other way, but it’s how we still are lol

    • bbnh69420 [she/her, they/them]
      2 years ago

      At the moment relatives are trying to get me to manage my and my partners money like a damn business ledger, tracking half and half, and we are far too young and stoned to do that. Fuck off, let people just exist, goddamn do I hate capitalism

      • Multihedra [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I mean obviously you gotta be a little discerning. But if you know the person well and trust them, i think it makes complete sense