In anticipation of the weather turning cooler, it's time to talk soup!

Really, I just made this thread to harvest ideas for the coming months, but hey, why not make this just a general soup thread?

To start, what is your favorite soup? Do you have a recipe for it?

I'm super into pho, and now that I work from home most of the week, I'm excited to just have a pot simmering all day! No particular recipe I follow for it, but I can find a few good ones that serve as a general guide for me when I do it.

  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Can I make this in a crockpot? I currently do not own a pot large enough to make soup, and do not have the capacity to purchase one. Also how do you define "a ton" of chopped onions? Like 2 or 3 yellow onions?

      • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
        2 years ago

        What's your go to for spices? Considering there's already minced garlic, onion, and a bayleaf, all I can think is pepper, chili powder, and maybe some cumin

          • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I currently have this soup in the crockpot and Im worried that I didnt use enough spices. Guess we'll find out in about 6 hours

                  • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
                    2 years ago

                    Thank YOU for being patient enough to teach some random in the hexbear comments how to make soup! I've been simultaneously extremely busy and rather lonely since my gf moved so soup making was nice to look forward to :meow-hug:

          • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
            2 years ago

            I have not been eating nearly enough vegetables lately and I'm basically out of food so this sounds like it could solve both of my problems. Currently it takes me over an hour minimum (usually closer to 2) to go to the grocery store so I'm disinclined to go.