Basically, I'm dirt poor. My pay sucks and I'm practically unemployable outside of my shit-tier job. I think I want to eventually get a master's or a BA in Computer Science, but for the time being I have nothing.

From the way I see it, invoosters are the only people anyone gives a damn about and I can think of investing as a method to get some of my surplus value back in a socially acceptable way. If it wasn't obvious enough already, I am American and this country would rather collapse than see the 1% give back even a penny that they looted from the middle class. Even blue places would rather die than have more housing be built, and those lower the homelessness...I mean, the investor's value.

My first thing I want to check out is Webull but there is something about the app that feels sketchy, and I can't put my finger on it.

Okay porky, you win. If you like invoosters so much, I'll be one. Happy?

  • jabrd [he/him]
    2 years ago

    You’d be infinitely better off learning to code in SQL and watching a few videos on how to do basic statistics equations in excel or R. Which sounds intimidating but honestly it’s the far easier side of being tech competent, self-taught within 2-3 months. Starting salary for a data analyst (usually only requires a bachelors and those skills) is around $70k. There’s also a ton of data entry jobs out there that pay shit but are at least work from home and get you familiar with data usage.

    Either way I would strongly advise against trying to get into investing if you’re already strapped for cash. That’s a great way to get even deeper in the hole. Investing without institutional backing is sincerely just gambling