Republicans in the Legislature, including Senate assistant minority leader Justin Eichorn, R-Grand Rapids, have introduced legislation (HF4687/SF4630) inspired by the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory.

The bill contains a mishmash of conspiratorial pseudoscience, including references to made-up phenomena like “xenobiotic electromagnetism and fields,” with just enough parroting of actual science to give it a veneer of credibility.

It requires county sheriffs to investigate citizen complaints of “polluting atmospheric activity,” and grants the governor the authority to call up the National Guard and ground any aircraft suspected of spreading pollutants.

    3 months ago

    Based on a cursory Google xenobiotic means something that doesn't occur naturally or is occurring in higher than natural amounts.

    So the "Xenobiotic Electromagnetism" is basically fucking everything in modern life and not at all what they think they're talking about. Basically anything occurring on the electromagnetic spectrum from x rays to visible light to radio waves.

    So Xenobiotic Electromagnetics would actually not include the stupid fucking "chemtrails" they think they're talking about, it would be flashlights, cell phones, wifi, x ray machines, drones equipped with lidar for the county atlas, communication radios from airplanes would be covered, gps, car headlights.... On and on and on.

    Fucking idiots.

    3 months ago

    Wait, what, this would give the governor authority to ground any plane that pollutes? Fuck yah. Pass this bill, ground all of them. Massive W for climate change.

  • M68040 [they/them]
    3 months ago

    The full merger of right-wing conspiracy circles and mainstream politics makes me want to get turned into one of those blobs from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.