• DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    2 years ago

    All that useable, flattened land behind the stadium lay waste so that overweight conservative fucknuts can park their cars for a maximun of 4 hours a week and watch their roided up HS failson sit on the bench for 3 hours while the 18 marginally decent players chase an inflatable ball.

    SPOILER ALERT: none of them will make it to college ball.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      Its funny, because Houston literally solved this problem at Reliant by dropping a huge rail line adjacent to the stadium. The Houston Red Line was, last I checked, something like the second or third most heavily trafficked rail lines in the country. And I can't help but suspect that's heavily influenced by how many people pile in during Rodeo or Game Day (nevermind how many use the line to commute to downtown what with all the extra housing that got built up along its length following construction).

      Dallas has an even more advanced rail setup that's built to feed people into and out of its downtown and entertainment districts.

      You could absolutely run rail from the south side of Plano, where the red and yellow lines out of Dallas terminate, and straight up to the stadium. You could turn the whole area into a giant mall space and make the high school stadium a centerpoint for both entertainment and commerce. You could free up a ton of car-park real estate for a host of developments while improving the Plano-to-Dallas commute substantially and even making life easier for the fucking kids who go to the fucking school.


      SPOILER ALERT: none of them will make it to college ball.

      Eh. Just for starters...


      They put up a few top recruits every year. And I'm sure there are others who fill out the back benches.
