Tonkatsu sauce is just sweeter brown sauce. Soy sauce is worse Worcestershire sauce. Everything is covered in sickly sweet mayo. I'll eat sushi when it's battered and fried.
They only added mayo to sushi to get white people to eat it lmao
mishima killed himself
Wow his Wikipedia article is something else. Whoever wrote it was clearly in love with the guy.
they themselves like mayo since they have an even tastier version of mayo
Possibly the most wrong post of all time. Yet another consequence of conflating contrarianism with leftism
Death to America
And what's up with all the rice, why not just eat a good old-fashioned cheeseburger?
Picturing an entire big mac topped with a tiny piece of sliced tuna
Ramen was brought from china by the emigrating yayoi to use as a tool to show their culinary superiority to the Korean originating jomon.
It would be hard/interesting to judge cuisine in this way. You would have to remove biryani and many North Indian dishes from Indian cuisine since those came from the Mughals
I believe in the japanese phantom time conspiracy theory. During the meiji restoration the emperor invented a bunch of previous emperors before the shogunate to justify his autocratic power. So they actually didn't have ramen for that long.
Tell me you’ve never eaten Japanese food without saying.
Like you’re just absurdly wrong to the point of parody.
the virgin tempura vs the chad binley mega chippy diabetus supreme