Ramsey also offered a critique of a segment of these younger cohorts. He expressed his frustration, saying, "Then there's a segment of them that just sucks. They're just awful. I mean, their participation trophy, they live in their mother's basement, and they can't figure out why they can't buy a house because they don't work, you know, stuff like that." These are the attitudes and work ethic he perceives as problematic among the younger generations.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    6 months ago

    Dave Ramsey is the economics equivalent of JBP.

    Giving out some basic bitch tips about paying off your credit card monthly, saving in an IRA, and avoiding long-term car notes. Then padding out his advice with bazinga brain nonsense like "Don't got to college", "Pay your kids a commission to do their chores", "Only invest in dividend yielding stocks", and "Become a slumlord the quick and easy way".

    Just awful, soulless, and even-by-common-standards largely out-of-date financial advice that's stuffed to the brim with MLM ads and other scams, intended to play on your naive understanding of personal finances.