9月取回来晒干的毛豆,在冬天这个空闲的季节,可以做一顿豆腐,豆花豆腐吃个够,剩下的捂几盒毛豆腐,不管凉拌,素炒,炸脆都特别好吃,剩下的暴晒一天后做成豆腐乳※Click "cc" on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language.In this fre...
Depends. Yunnan is very mountainous and rural so many spots are still dependent on communal farming. Xinjiang however for example has a highly automated cotton industry
You can see other people picking stuff and leaving the communal farms in other videos of hers
Depends. Yunnan is very mountainous and rural so many spots are still dependent on communal farming. Xinjiang however for example has a highly automated cotton industry
You can see other people picking stuff and leaving the communal farms in other videos of hers