Edit: Closing the AMA since I am pretty close to concluding my trip and therefore will be posting pictures/reflections which will give more opportunity to ask more questions!

You probably remembered my post earlier asking about places that I need to visit while in Cuba and as I am close to concluding my trip and a few days away to fly back home, I’d like to give everyone an opportunity to ask any questions that they might have about Cuba. I’ll post photos as well as my own thoughts/reflections when I’m back home so until then feel free to ask any questions. As for proof (if it’s needed), Mods could check the IP I’m posting from as I’m currently on Cubacel. I wish I could post a photo as proof but the internet infrastructure here is 3G and therefore would consume a lot of data just from me posting a picture.

  • InvaderZinn [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Pardon the lib questions, but I have a CHUD in my head I need to shut up.

    • Is there any major censorship of the internet, if any at all? It seems like from your post a lot of the internet issues comes from technology issues tho. If not, has there been a lot of censorship of other forms of media?

    • Do you know how Cuban civilians feel about westerners? Particularly Americans? (I'm talking about regular citizens rather than the politicians).

    Okay, now I have a few fun ones:

    • How friendly are the people there?

    • If you drink, are the bars there good?

    • What are the beaches like?

    • Animephysics [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Can access pretty much any western media including CNN even the Spanish versions of them so not really any censorship in that regard and just tried accessing radio free Europe which works too. But yes, internet infrastructure in Cuba is still developing but almost every Cuban I’ve met has a phone and like to use WhatsApp.

      (EDIT: important to add that there’s a lot of websites that don’t work not because of Cuban censorship but because of the blockade that prevents websites from operating here)

      Most Cubans generally treat westerners well and recognize that most of us are just people like them. That said, westerners that just spend time only in Varadero staying in their privileged resorts does give us a bad rep with the Cuban people especially when they act out of touch with what local Cubans go through. It goes without saying that we have so many privileges that local Cubans don’t have since they been subjected to the imperialist blockade for years so it’s always good to be always as respectful as you can especially of the local customs (of course don’t be afraid to ask anything if you are in doubt about something, many Cubans are helpful and do their best to accommodate you).

      Very friendly. Super easy to ask help for anything. Never really drank at bars but I have visited them. They are generally okay but feel like it’s either filled with rich people or tourists. The beaches in Havana are pretty amazing especially the view from Malecon.