Last year, only a third of Amazon’s new hires stayed with the company for more than 90 days before quitting, being fired, or getting laid off

The report, which is based off internal research papers, slide decks, and spreadsheets from Amazon, claims that workers are twice as likely to leave by choice, rather than because they were laid off or fired. It also says that the issue is widespread throughout the company, not just with warehouse workers; from entry level roles all the way up to vice presidents, the lowest attrition rate for one of the company’s 10 tiers of employees was almost 70 percent, with the highest reaching a staggering 81.3 percent.

  • innocentlurker [he/him]
    2 years ago

    As an older person, I have been in a constant state of disbelief that my peers and elders can't make the connection between capitalism and this corporate behavior towards us for all my adult life. Like 8 billion dollars couldn't be paid out instead for extra staff and better work conditions.

    Like somehow this is the result of some funny coincidence that all these rich business owners just have poor character. Like somewhere there's someone at the top of capitalist business that's a sweet, kind and fair person...but they've just never seen them.

    Meanwhile they learn that there were laws put in place to prevent child labor, like it was some oopsie that was casually rectified and not the principle driving force of capitalism.

    It has always staggered my common sense that Americans can deny that this is Capitalism. That's it. That's what it is. How many times do you have to see it right in front of your face at work or the store or anywhere. There it is.

    • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Meanwhile they learn that there were laws put in place to prevent child labor, like it was some oopsie that was casually rectified and not the principle driving force of capitalism.

      People learn about that and the eight hour workday and breaks and osha but they are never taught that these things came about because union workers were literally fighting, with guns, to the death, to make it all happen