This is a fucking laughfest! Apparently Tel Aviv hired a failed B‐movie screenwriter to type out Gilad Erdan’s speech, because it’s filled with so much melodrama that it’s hard to believe that an ordinary adult could have come up with it.

The first thing that you notice is the sheer lack of self‐awareness, accusing the Islamic Republic of Iran of violating international law, targeting innocents, dehydrating them, and so on. Examples:

unprecedented escalation that serves as the clearest proof for what happens when warnings aren’t heeded. […] proved again that it cares nothing—nothing—for Islam or Muslims.

Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!

The next thing that you notice is that he repeats hisself incessantly, whining on and on about how horrible the Islamic Republic of Iran is and how horrible we all are for not sanctioning it into oblivion. All that he does is make hisself look like a whiner by restating the same things in other ways.

He also calls the Islamic Rep. of Iran a threat to the world, and that it’s plotting world domination! That’s right, a republic that can’t even handle Iraq or Syria is a threat to all freedom or all life on earth! He makes dozens of other unsubstantiated claims throughout his speech, but that one might be the funniest.

Then there are the—you guessed it—Third Reich analogies! Almost any antisocialist will stoop to any level to shoehorn one of those in a commentary. As you hopefully know by know, the Islamic Rep. of Iran honors Jewish soldiers and respects the Shabbat, and while that certainly isn’t to say that Judeophobes are nonexistent in the government, likening the republic to the Reich is simply unnecessary. No doubt most of the 10,000 Jews there want the government to do better, but that doesn’t mean that they want it to go away.

And now for my favorite quotes:

Israel is not the boy who cried wolf.

The mask comes off and the gloves must come on.

The snooze button is no longer an option.

We need a world lead by Churchills, not Chamberlains.

All of the terror groups attacking Israel are tentacle—tentacles of the same Shīʻite octopus, the Iranian octopus!

No more red carpet treatment here at the U.N., no more appeasement!

We are not a frog in boiling water, we are a nation of lions!

    6 months ago

    I should really be used to it by now but the brazenness of just... pretending like they didn't shoot first is simply wild to me. I can't get over it. It just happened—did they think we all forgot?