After much heartache and heavy cost, the brave warriors of the Union of Social Democratic Tribes of Oceania have bought their freedom from the Perfidious English, liberated their comrades in Polynesia and Australia, and created a land where everyone from Freed American slaves to Flemish Refugees to Chinese Socialists can join together. Soon the Parliament will be dissolved in favour of a Council Republic.

Two problems remain

  1. Taking most of Australia somewhat suddenly means that now I have tanked my economy and standard of living having to provide Public Healthcare and Education to a few million starving semi-literate anglos.

  2. The Fucking French! HAAATTTTTEE!

  • Farman [any]
    2 years ago

    Ae an hpm player do you know if the sepoy rebellion events are still around? During the last game i beat the british in a war before the triger date, but it never trigered even after i killed all their regular units. I was playing afghanistan so i rage quit after that.