For real, it's taken me nearly a year to finish Capital vol. 1. It's a large book but not that large. I used to read so much more. But now that I have kids, it seems like that reading time has really shrunk. There are some unique factors that work against me (kids that sleep less than the low number of the range for their ages and a partner who sees reading as kinda antisocial) but still, I bet a lot of parents are in the same boat. If you have kids and you're actually able to get reading in, how do you do it.

Edit: actually, I'm reading David Harvey's companion book along with it, so that's like two books in a year. Still way, way below the amount of reading I'd like to do.

  • duderium [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It’s a miracle you finished that book at all, so pat yourself on the back. I generally can’t read whenever my kids are around, so my reading is confined to early mornings or late evenings. There’s an app out there called Voice Dream Reader that will also read anything to you. The premium voices cost $5 and sound better than anything except a professional reader (I use Peter). I’ve been reading Black Bolshevik with that lately while doing chores and it’s been working pretty well. It also helps a lot to get to sleep if you use it for reading novels. I’ve been using it to “read” Game of Thrones lately, although I’ve probably missed like 90% of the text.

    I’m so addicted to twitter that I delete the app after breakfast every day, then reinstall it the next morning. I’m a writer, and I find social media much harder to resist when I’m editing books, because I have to restrain myself for hours and hours while I’m editing every day, so that’s also a factor. It does help though to be free from twitter during afternoons and evenings because I can read books on my phone instead. I feel like I don’t read as much anymore because it takes a bit of effort to really focus on a book, and kids can destroy that focus at any time, so what’s the point? I have to conserve energy all day in case my family needs me.

    My kids read a lot though, and they have limited screen time and no phones, so that’s also definitely a factor. I leave my phone in a different room and read a paper book every night before going to sleep, so I always get a few pages in, but sometimes that can turn into a lot more.