I'm yet to decide on a topic, but having spent a little time on RedSails, it's quite clear that the levels of writing that get posted there vary a lot. I'm not really engrained into any leftist circles outside of an IRL party I'm being vetted for. Has anyone else here contributed essays to any place?

Once I get something written, what is a good way to shop it around to get posted somewhere cool? Anyone have any general experience like this?

Edit: been talking with a comrade and I think I have my topic! The rise of "christian nationalism" as a consequence of alienation/anticommunist ideology, and the parallels between the current movement and its targeting of trans people/leftists and the witch hunts of the 16/1700s in America.

Edit 2: Hot damn I just cranked out a thousand words and feel good about this so far! If anyone wants to take a peek, DM me!

  • NarrativeMaterialism [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Ive thought about this too and basically I think your best best is to self publish somewhere, hard to know which places are actually good in the long term. Plenty of interesting people and publications but hard to know which might have some unaddressed reactionary thoughts, some problems or some sort of coopting. I guess a thing like a substack or medium can be a nice start. I have a few really good publications I follow on substack, a lot about China.

    Maybe something could be organised on hexbear, but it would have to be like red sails in that basically everything in every style is allowed as long as it is communism-related and interesting, BUT it would also need some kind of vetting or editorial oversight or you re going to have bad shit posted there really quickly.

    If you do figure something out let me know! I wrote a bit on communism-adjacent stuff the past couple years and have had trouble finding motivation recently. I like to write about reimagining a communist ideology in media, in fantasy especially, because my outlet for creativity and writing has always been tabletop stuff. I've been having fun transforming a fantasy setting into something with dialectical materialism at its core, I need to find the energy to put more of it on my substack because most of it is still just notes on my computer.