Bolsonaro supporters have been blocking major roads in Brazil in an attempt to fuel a coup attempt by the Brazilian military. Obviously the police forces aren't that willing to break up these blockades since they are fash themselves and think the protests are just. If the military is called upon, the same will happen. Fascists are getting emboldened and fascists in State institutions especially so, as they disobey orders while facing very little repercussions. Yet, the Worker's Party is blocking any attempt of a united leftist front mobilizing their political militancy to break up these blockades and face the fascists head on in the streets. This is probably the best opportunity to deal a mighty blow to Brazilian fascists and they are blowing it with republicanism and conciliation.

  • Redcuban1959 [any]
    2 years ago

    No one is taking these protests seriously, not even Bolsonaro himself. These are just the middle class bolsonarista hogs doing what they do best, being cringe af.

    While they are on the streets waiting for an imaginary coup, the socdems are starting the government transition while Bolsonaro continues to cry inside his room.

    • AvgMarighellaEnjoyer [he/him,any]
      2 years ago

      I mean... the radical left is taking these protests pretty seriously. Even MTST, which is pretty reformist and supported Lula from the first round, has instructed their chapters to organize themselves to help end fascist road blocks . Even if that weren't the case the fact that "no one is taking these protests seriously" is not an argument in itself. People keep shrugging at fascists as incompetent goobers (which, to be clear, they are) up until the point that they take power, and then it's way too late. Either we smash fascism before it's born or we'll suffer defeats to it in control of the State.