For at least ten years, the Chinese Communist Party has been abducting its overseas citizens on EU territory and forcibly returning them to China - violating the rule of law and public security in Europe - a new report finds.
Full report:
Archived version:
EDIT: The discussion shifted to off-topic and insults. Post locked.
If I first threaten your family member if you don't do exactly as I say, it is not a simple request to return home. There is a legal process for that called extradition.
What you're describing is not kidnapping. The article implies China is threatening family members, but it provides no examples, and I have no reason to trust people who deliberately mischaracterize the facts.
If China, for example, was arresting family members of people for no other reason besides being related to a citizen China wants to return home, the authors would probably have just said that.
The report provides more details, I attached the link to the full report in the post.