I'm a big Star Wars fan. There's tons of anti imperialism and I love the visual aesthetic, but I always felt we should see the empire doing some actual imperialism, with actual atrocities and the effects of financial imperialism like america does today. I wanted to try my hand at world building so I began writing a story that I felt scratched that itch with a 21st century understanding of technology. So andor comes out and I'm three episodes in and it's exactly what I wanted from the franchise so far.

I hardly felt like my story was going anywhere in terms of publishing or anything. I'm not a great writer, my allegories aren't elegant, and I'm sure it's unintentionally full of liberalism. Plus, like I said, it's almost Star Wars fanfiction. But I'm enjoying writing it and I would like to try to publish it since it's kind of written for bazinga brained libs to try to get them to look this stuff in the face, but I fear it's just going to be called derivative or compared to Andor.

I don't know, I'm going to keep at it. Worst case scenario I'll post it online. This was mostly a vent about losing my inspiration in a way.

Edit: I should be clear, it is not set in the star wars cannon, I'm just worried about it being compared to star wars and losing my own ambition.

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I should be clear, it is not set in the star wars cannon, I’m just worried about it being compared to star wars and losing my own ambition.

    Listen comrade...if you're seriously worried about losing your ambition because its being compared to star wars than I would advise you to not only stop writing your story, but indeed to stop writing science fiction altogether, LOL.

    Also: everyone knows Kurosawa's influence on Lucas but also look up Buck Rogers, John Carter, and Jack Kirby's 4th world. Like Picasso said: "Bad artists copy. Great artists steal." Every storyteller going back to the beginning of civilization is building off of what those inspired them left them with. Hell Lucas wanted to do Buck Rogers but he couldn't get the rights for it which basically jump started his need to world build his own space opera. I think people would be suprised to learn how many original scifi books/comics/film/etc started out as a fan project and then sort of spins out to take a life of its own.

    On the flipside: don't feel bad for losing steam or interest in cases like this either. I too have had many moments where I thought I maybe had a clever take or spin on something only to see myself get beat too it...and often in a way that's significantly less interesting then what I had intended.