The author is the lady who runs the "web3 is going great" website.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    5 months ago

    Tech talk often revolves around the 'what ifs'. Every new development prompts discussions about potential harm. While it's crucial to address these concerns, trying to put toothpaste back in the tube is unrealistic. Regulation is key to mitigate problems, but erasing technology altogether is not the solution. We can see an example of this in action in China where games and social media are being regulated to reduce harmful effects on minors, and it works. China isn't banning games and social media, they're finding a middle ground that leads to sensible use of the tech.

    • loathsome
      5 months ago

      Though the title says AI the authors means generative AI and specifically LLMs when talking about it. If you read the post you will find that her take is very measured and mostly talks about how AI companies overhype LLMs and AI in general (Anthropic CEO recently said that AI that can survive and replicate in the wild is possible in the near term, the drivel that is

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        5 months ago

        Oh I completely agree that there's a ton of hype around this stuff, and I expect the bubble is going to burst as more people start realizing the limitations trying to use it. So yeah, overall I agree with most of what the article is saying.