Yeah this thing is still on lol, life stuff has been busy for like 4 or 5 weeks but I'm happy to see if we can get some momentum going, or maybe it all bled dry from my inattentiveness.

If you are new, some of us were interested in putting together a RPG/LARP of a "People's Party" of some kind, kinda like a communist flavored model UN. We are currently working as a Committee to draft some original bylaws to build the Party around. Check out the discussion linked below to get some context on what we're thinking.

Discussion Thread 1 is here

Anyway, please find some draft bylaws below, and discuss freely. We will probably vote on them shortly (possibly even in this thread).

Party Chair

  • The Party chair is primarily responsible for facilitating votes on resolutions, and documenting the outcomes of votes.

Selecting the Chair

  • An election nomination and discussion thread will be posted in c/ttrpg.
  • Any Party member may nominate themselves, or another Party member in a root comment in that thread.
  • The top two nominees, plus anyone who received more than 10 upvotes on their nomination will take part in the election.
  • The election facilitator will be the sitting chair. If the position is vacant, the nominees must decide on a facilitator with a majority vote.
  • The election facilitator will conduct a STAR election of all nominees.

Chair rules

  • The incoming chair must declare their term, the maximum of which is 90 days.
  • The incoming chair must always be a Party member. If membership status is revoked, so is their position as chair.
  • The chair's term can be extended by up to one month by a "Vote of Confidence" resolution.
  • The chair's term can be terminated immediately by a "Vote of No Confidence" resolution. A Vote of No Confidence must name an interim Chair/election facilitator.

Chair responsibilities

  • The chair must facilitate the Resolution process as described in this document below.
  • The chair must facilitate elections and transitions of power as stated in the "Selecting the Chair" section above.
  • The chair must document the outcome of resolution votes. This can be done in any manner on c/ttrpg.

Party Resolutions

Thread definitions

  • Resolutions are drafted and nominated in party discussion thread posted to c/ttrpg by the chair.
  • If a party discussion thread is over three weeks old, or has over 1000 comments, the chair must post a new one.
  • Resolutions can also be drafted and nominated in draft resolution threads that are less than three weeks old. The chair may choose to post a draft resolution thread for better organization of discussion, but it is not required.
  • Only Party members can draft resolutions.
  • A draft resolution must be put to a vote if nominated by at least 5 Party members.
  • A reply to a draft resolution containing the phrase !#Pass is considered a nomination.

Resolution votes

  • A voting thread for a resolution will be posted by the chair to c/ttrpg.
  • The chair will post a "voting" root comment in the thread with three subcomments: "Pass", "Don't Pass", and "Abstain".
  • The subcomment that receives the most votes determines the outcome.

Code of Conduct

  • The Party adopts the Code of Conduct in full and without reservation or modification.
  • The Party may extend the site Code of Conduct with its own, as long as it there is no conflict.
  • In voting threads and other official communications, Party members must act in a manner that reflects a respect for the Party itself. I.E. official business should be "in character".
  • hexbear_partisan [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    We had a subscriber list going, but I guess comments more than 4 weeks old are inaccessible? Sorry about that...