Its all gon be underwater why the fuck are we building anything there?

Real answer I'm not saying we should completely depopulate the entire state of Florida but holy fuck so much of the state should not be inhabited. Sea level rise is inevitable, in both the optimistic and pessimistic outcome a large portion of Florida will be underwater, perhaps not all of it, maybe an archipelago will emerge, or maybe the whole thing will sink into the ocean like doggerland.

Here's what should happen to Florida.

Ban air conditioning. That would get a large number of people to just move. New buildings can be built to better dissipate heat.

Ban all construction outside of a very small urban area around Miami or where ever it might be viable to fortify against the rising sea levels. Its completely possible earth works could stop some land from flooding, we are gonna have to do the same with NYC and I don't see any environmentalists calling for the evacuation of it.

Give land back to Indigenous people, there really needs to be some kind of national US council the same size as congress that has the same powers to pass laws and such that has a couple token POC delegates, maybe POC should have a council separate from it. IDK, I'm just talking about Florida here but some kind of national organization like that would be necessary.

End the embargo on Cuba, let the Caribbean become a geopolitical entity. This would require independence of the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, whatever the fuck the epstein child sex island was under the jurisdiction of to just go away and be subsumed by this theoretical union. Southern Florida would be a major player in this. Maybe bit of the Yucatan and Venezuela too.

Closing arguments

The same arguments could be applied to he south west which is in a worse situation. Its better to have too much water than no water.

In conclusion add :florida: 🔥