No account required, no fees. They make money from affiliate/commission links, presumably.

Cell phone and ISP plan comparison: Can choose many details about phone and plan & compare.

Textbook/regular book price comparison: Can search by author, ISBN, etc. Sorted by price, including new and used on many sites. Shows shipping cost. I always use this when buying books.

  • Oxbinder [any]
    2 years ago

    My local grocery chain "Giant" has what they call their "Finest" generic brand, but we always call them "Fine-Assed!" because they are often as good or better for less money than the name brand next to them. It involves a little trial and error. As for that Lbs to Ozs stuff, you'll have to do some calculatin'. Being familiar with basic maths is vital for living on the bottom, otherwise you might not recognize a good deal (or a miss-priced item!) when it appears.